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collinite 915

Collinite 915

Brand: Collinite

Category: Waxes & Sealants


Price: PKR 10000


Collinite 915 has a high gloss like a show car wax and protection like a hybrid wax. It contains high concentration of carnauba when compared to 476 and 845, hence it has the highest gloss in Collinite range.

What's the Collinite 915 durability?

It can give you up to 6 months of protection. It can be less depending on your environment.

Can I apply Collinite 915 on top of 325?

If your paint is swirled up or stained, then it's a good idea to use 325 before applying 915. 325 will deep clean the paint and also improve longevity of 915.

Can I apply Collinite 520 on top of 915?

Collinite 520 is a quick detailer, and it's a recommended topper for Collinite waxes. You can use 520 over 915 after regular washes.

Collinite 915 application

  1. Wash the vehicle thoroughly.
  2. Clay bar the paint if required.
  3. Use Collinite 325 if required.
  4. Apply a thin layer of Collinite 915 on a section or a panel at a time.
  5. Wait for it to dry for 5 to 10 min.
  6. Buff off the wax with the microfiber towel.